Saving the World One App at a Time – The Humanitarian Toolbox | Presented by Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell of .NET Rocks fame tells his story of software, hardware and charity that ultimately has led him to the Humanitarian Toolbox ( The Humanitarian Toolbox is an open source initiative to build software for disaster relief – both for the Non-Governmental Organizations that are involved in disaster relief, the citizen volunteers that donate…

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Get ready for modern DevOps – Danijel Malik

Modern DevOps is a highway to greater business value and it works cross-platform. Automated deployments solved a handover problem, Application Monitoring Platforms closed the feedback and crash reporting gap, and containers made the “works on my machine” stereotype real. Next mission: automated environments. In this session, Danijel will start by identifying the common bad practices…

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The State of .NET​ with Markus Egger [Full Presentation]

A free, unbiased look at current and future development! The industry is in a state of flux. What does that mean for your software projects today and tomorrow? Will your skills be outdated? Will your current investment become obsolete? What should you focus on right now? And what will become important a year or two…

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The State of .NET​ with Markus Egger: Chapter 5 Web Development

A free, unbiased look at current and future development! The industry is in a state of flux. What does that mean for your software projects today and tomorrow? Will your skills be outdated? Will your current investment become obsolete? What should you focus on right now? And what will become important a year or two…

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