An Introduction to Data Science on Azure | Nick Wienholt

Microsoft Azure provides a rich canvas for data science research and execution. Two of the key components of the data science toolkit are Azure Notebooks and the Azure Machine Learning service. In this presentation, Nick will introduce the core concepts of data science and show how a data set can be imported, analysed and used…

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Get ready for modern DevOps – Danijel Malik

Modern DevOps is a highway to greater business value and it works cross-platform. Automated deployments solved a handover problem, Application Monitoring Platforms closed the feedback and crash reporting gap, and containers made the “works on my machine” stereotype real. Next mission: automated environments. In this session, Danijel will start by identifying the common bad practices…

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Computers have feelings too! | Paul Glavich at DDD Sydney 2017

Well not quite, but they can detect them. This talk will explore Microsoft Cognitive Services in Azure. We’ll take a look at the offerings overall, and then take a deeper look into specifics such as Sentiment analysis, Computer vision (image recognition) and Emotion detection. Computers have feelings too from Paul Glavich

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