Christian is a 6-time Office Servers and Services MVP, internationally-recognized collaboration expert, consulting CMO and researcher, and founder of CollabTalk LLC, an independent analyst and technical marketing services firm based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Prior to CollabTalk, Christian served as a Chief Marketing Officer (Beezy), Chief Evangelist (Axceler and Metalogix), and was part of the Microsoft team that launched SharePoint Online (now part of Office 365). During his career, he has worked with some of the world’s largest technology companies to build and deploy social, collaboration, and supply chain solutions, and sold the software startup he co-founded to Rational Software in 2001. Co-author of books on both SharePoint and software configuration management, Christian is one of the most widely published names within the Microsoft ecosystem and can be found online at buckleyplanet.com and @buckleyplanet

Effective Engagement and Collaboration with Christian Buckley and Adam Cogan – Digital Workplace Conference, Sydney 2017
The Digital Workplace Conference is on again in Sydney, and SSW were lucky enough to get some exclusive interviews with some of the presenters on the day. Adam Cogan interviews Christian Buckley Adam from SSW speaks to Christian Buckley, founder of Collabtalk LLC and a keynote speaker at DWC, about how he got started in…