Danijel is a Visual Studio ALM MVP. He is an experienced developer and speaker, regularly presenting at conferences around the world. At SSW, as well as building great solutions for clients, Danijel is the Product Owner for SSW Code Auditor.

Deploying ASP.NET Core Applications | Danijel Malik at DDD Sydney 2016
ASP.NET Core is a whole new world for ASP.NET developers because it opens the door to cross-platform development. However, it comes with a hefty price. Not only does it takes some time before you get your head around it, even deployment is now quite different. So how can you bring ASP.NET Core application and DevOps…

Journey to DevSecOps! | Danijel Malik
“Hey Dev, stop for a Sec… it’s not all about Ops!” Admit it! Ever since you adopted DevOps, things are spinning way faster than you thought they would. Tools are taking care of the CI/CD process, an APM platform gives you insights into issues in production, and you are fully focused on your code. Having…

DevOps in the Open Source Arena with Peter Gatt, Chris Fowles and Danijel Malik – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Danijel Malik Interviews Peter Gatt and Chris Fowles In this interview, Danijel talks to Peter and Chris about all things cloud and DevOps. Learn about some of the challenges that Vibrato helps their clients overcome,…

Migrating from TFS to the cloud… without losing your mind (or any data at all) – Adam Cogan & Danijel Malik
Are you tired of upgrading and maintaining your on-premises TFS? Do you just want to use the sweet visualstudio.com portal? Are you worried about losing your TFS history when you move to VSTS? If your answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, then this is the session for you. There is a myriad of…

Secure DevOps with Sam Guckenheimer – Microsoft MVP Summit 2016
SSW’s Danijel Malik’s interview with Sam Guckenheimer, Chief Strategist for VSTS at Microsoft, to talk about DevOps and Security. Sam starts with Microsoft’s journey from waterfall to DevOps before he shares some insights on how Microsoft is fighting off hacker attacks.

VSTS Package Management with Mario Rodriguez – Microsoft MVP Summit 2016
SSW’s Danijel Malik’s interview with Mario Rodriguez, Senior Program Manager for VSTS, at the Microsoft MVP Summit in Seattle to have a chat about common issues surrounding package management. In this video, Mario explains some of the problems enterprise teams are facing today and what solutions Microsoft is building in that space. Rule: https://rules.ssw.com.au/share-code-using-packages