Dave Paylor

Chief Information Officer at Marine Rescue QLD and Principal Consultant at Empired



Dave is a non-developer SharePoint Consultant with an extensive background in Performance Management and an obsession for presenting information in more interesting ways. While accepting that most consider it downright weird, Dave loves to push the boundaries of SharePoint lists with XSLT and even a little bit of jQuery.


Power BI vs Reporting Services with Dave Paylor and Ulysses Maclaren – Digital Workplace Conference, Sydney 2017

Power BI vs Reporting Services with Dave Paylor and Ulysses Maclaren – Digital Workplace Conference, Sydney 2017

The Digital Workplace Conference is on again in Sydney, and SSW were lucky enough to get some exclusive interviews with some of the presenters on the day. Ulysses Maclaren interviews Dave Paylor Ulysses from SSW talks to Dave Paylor from Empired, about when to use Power BI and when to stick with Reporting Services.

How to Get the Most Out of SharePoint 2013 – ShareThePoint Conference (Playlist)

How to Get the Most Out of SharePoint 2013 – ShareThePoint Conference (Playlist)

We went to the 2013 ShareThePoint Conference to find out what the expert’s opinions, tips and tricks are on the latest SharePoint platform.

Social Features of SharePoint 2013

Social Features of SharePoint 2013

We went to the 2013 ShareThePoint Sydney conference and got the expert’s opinions on the best social features of SharePoint 2013.