
Working From Home – Tips, Tricks and Strategies for the Tech World with Jason Taylor

All developers should be writing automated tests. In fact modern developers should be doing Clean Testing. Systems that adhere to the principles of Clean Architecture are independent of UIs, databases, frameworks, and other external concerns. As a result, the domain and business logic, the most important parts of the system, are completely isolated from external…


Preparing for COVID-19 and WFH: Tips, Tricks, & Strategies for the Tech World | Adam Cogan

More commonly known as the Coronavirus, the outbreak has meant many businesses have had to instigate a ‘work from home’ policy to ensure the health and well being of their employees. This presents a number of challenges for both the employer and employee. In this presentation – the first online-only session delivered by SSW –…


Building Trust in Teams – 2 Role Play Examples | Tech Tips @ NDC Sydney

SSW’s Chief Architect and Microsoft Regional Director Adam Cogan interviews Richard Campbell of DotNet Rocks! fame all on building trust in teams. They use 2 real life role play examples – one in person confrontation and then another but through email. They discuss: – Daniel Pink’s book ‘Drive’ which features his framework: ‘Autonomy, Mastery and…

What’s New in .NET Core 3.0 | Tech Tips NDC Sydney 2019

Liam Elliott talks to Scott Hunter, Director of Program Management at Microsoft, who demoes some cool new features of .NET Core 3.0, including: – Microservices – gRPC – Endpoint Routing – Exciting new experiences for Xamarin, including Xamaring Hot Restart


Pragmatic DevOps | Tech Tips NDC Sydney 2019

Pragmatic DevOps It’s easy to feel like DevOps is too hard to implement because the theory is hard to apply in their company. Rather than give up, it’s important to be pragmatic and try to solve the problems. To do this effectively, you need the theory. With books like The Phoenix Project and The Unicorn…


NDC Sydney: So many highlights in just one week!

NDC was one of our highlights for 2019! NDC hosted so many great presenters including some of our very own developers. The release of the SSW Rewards app was also a great success with so many on the show floor taking part in the SSW Treasure Hunt.


7 Deadly Presentation Sins with Andrew & Samantha Coates

What makes a great presentation? More importantly, what are the elements that can destroy a great presentation, even if the content itself is technically sound? In this session Samantha and Andrew Coates demonstrate seven sins that must not be committed in a presentation, why and how a presentation can suffer from committing them, and how…


Thousands of concurrent connections with Azure SignalR Service

As much as everyone loves having real-time applications, it is a pain to have them in high traffic websites. Scaling is a big issue which can be easily solved by using Azure’s SignalR Service. How can we add real-time functionality to cloud hosted web applications? How can we test and handle high traffic volume without…


Clean Code with Entity Framework Core | Brendan Richards

Object Relational Mappers like EF Core exist to take the drudgery out of getting your Object-Orientated C# code to talk to a relational database. Opinions on this vary from “ORMs are the Vietnam of Computer Science” to “If you write data access code, you are stealing from your client”. Like any powerful tool, EF Core…