What is a compiler? We thought we knew… | Mads Torgersen at DDD Brisbane 2015
SSW TV was proud to sponsor and record 2015’s DDD event in Brisbane. This video features Mads Torgersen, Program Manager at Microsoft, who talks about compilers, specifically Roslyn. This is a fascinating talk and should be watched by any developer. From the description: Project “Roslyn” revamps C#’s fundamental compiler infrastructure, and challenges our concept of…
The Best and Worst JavaScript Frameworks and What You Should Be Using In 2016 by Ben Cull
In this explosive video Ben Cull, SSW Solution Architect, will bombard you with what are the best JavaScript Frameworks to use in 2016. Take the Poll! Do you agree with Ben?
JavaScript – the language of Chuck Norris | Joshua Wulf at DDD Brisbane 2015
SSW TV was proud to sponsor this years’ DDD event in Brisbane. This entertaining talk features Joshua Wulf, Legendary Recruiter at Just Digital People. From the description: JavaScript, like English, is the language of commerce and is spoken everywhere – usually badly. Like English there is widespread debate about the best way to speak it…
Getting Started with ReactiveUI | Mitchell Tilbrook at Xamarin Hack Day Sydney
In this presentation, Mitchell Tilbrook, Lead Android Developer for SeatFrog, dives into the world of ReactiveUI. He explains: Why you should use ReactiveUI Reactive Extensions Bootraspping Xamarin Forms This presentation was part of the Sydney Xamarin Hack Day line-up. Head over to the Xamarin Hack Day website to apply to attend (or even run your own hack…
Past, Present and Future of MONO with Miguel de Icaza
Book Adam Now In this video, Adam Cogan talks to the creator of Xamarin – Miguel de Icaza – about MONO, Miguel’s original invention that dealt with cross platform development. Let us know how you feel, take the poll! Do you like Xamarin?
Coding in the open: Open source at Microsoft
Felix Rieseberg is an Open Source Engineer at Microsoft, hacking away with engineering teams inside Microsoft, open source communities, and startups. In this talk, he will candidly and openly talk about how open source is used inside Microsoft, how he team up with communities outside the Microsoft ecosystem, and what the Redmond company is doing…
New unit testing features in Visual Studio 2015 | Terje Sandstrom
Visual Studio 2015 adds a new Unit Test Generator feature, which can generate test skeletons, including project files. It can generate for multiple frameworks, currently MSTest, NUnit and XUnit. In the case of the latter two, nuget packages are also automatically included. VS 2015 also includes Intellitest, a framework for generating tests parametrized data driven…
What is Gamification and how it could work for you | Zac Fitz-Walter
In this interview, Chris Briggs sits down with the founder of Gamification Weekly, Zac Fitz-Walter, to discuss what is Gamification, how it can improve engagement, the difference between shallow and deep gamification and common pitfalls to avoid. Take the Poll Are you currently using Gamification?
Consuming REST APIs, for all interpretations of REST | Darrel Miller at DDD Melbourne 2015
SSW TV recorded this years’ DDD conference in Melbourne. In this session, Darrel Miller – an independent consultant and Microsoft Integration MVP – starts of the conference in this keynote about the REST API. From the presentation description: There is a growing API economy. Almost every software business is either starting to consume APIs or…