James is one of the global experts on intranet strategy and design. He is the author of 'What every intranet team should know' and 'Designing intranets: creating sites that work', the two best-selling intranet books in the world. He has also written over two hundred articles and a variety of best-practice resources, including the Intranet Roadmap.
James is the founder and managing director of Step Two Designs, a vendor-neutral consultancy located in Australia. In this role, he has helped high-profile organizations to develop intranet strategies, both within Australia and internationally.
James has keynoted conferences around the globe, including in the UK, USA, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia. As a certified trainer, he regularly runs one and two-day practical workshops on intranet strategy and design, both within Australia and internationally.
James is also a leading specialist on the topic of web content management. He is a founding member of the CM Professionals association and has helped many organizations to select a suitable CMS.

Great Intranets of the Modern Age with James Robertson
Intranets have been around for a long time now, but SharePoint has brought new functionality and capability into organisations that promises to transform these sites. But what direction should we be heading, and what makes a truly great intranet? This presentation, by the world’s leading intranet expert, will provide a practical and inspirational view of…