Jason is a passionate solution architect with over 15 years professional experience, currently specializing in enterprise application development utilizing ASP.NET MVC, Web API, SignalR, Entity Framework, AngularJS, TypeScript, and Bootstrap. Achieved Master of Information Technology in Software Architecture (2011) and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer in Web Applications (2016). @jasongtau https://www.codingflow.net/

Clean Architecture in 5 minutes with Jason Taylor and Piers Sinclair | NDC Melbourne 2022
The explosive growth of web frameworks and the demands of users have changed the approach to building enterprise applications.

Developing Flexible Authorization Capabilities in ASP.NET Core with Jason Taylor
In this talk, Jason Taylor will demonstrate an approach using permission-based authorization to overcome these limitations by building a flexible approach to managing roles and permissions from within your system. This will improve the maintainability and visibility of access control across your system. Putting the power into the hands of application users and administrators, rather than developers.

From Prototype in Production to Verifiably Stable Application with Luke Parker
SSW solutions Architect Luke Parker demonstrates how to measure tech debt, recognize anti-patterns, and slowly recover. You will learn how to tackle the seemingly impossible task of refactoring a prototype now in production into a Verifiably Stable Application (VSA).

Modern Web Dev with Blazor and .NET 6 with Jason Taylor
Ready to get up to speed with Blazor WebAssembly? You’ve picked the right time! Blazor has been running production systems for over two years now – it’s battle-tested and what’s more, Microsoft is just about to launch .NET 6 , the long-term support version of their hugely successful development platform.