Lee Stevens is a Digital Strategist and Founder of Brighter Days. He is a business-focused consultant who designs Digital solutions for businesses that allows their staff, suppliers and customers to engage with their brand. Lee’s early career was spent working in investment banking but has since gained 10 years’ experience implementing SharePoint and other Digital solutions for clients like Barclays Bank, Diageo, Fulton Hogan and Ryman Healthcare. Lee is based in Christchurch, NZ, where he runs the SharePoint User Group and Digital Daze Meet-ups.

5 Steps to a Digital Strategy with Lee Stevens and Ulysses Maclaren – Digital Workplace Conference, Sydney 2017
The Digital Workplace Conference is on again in Sydney, and SSW were lucky enough to get some exclusive interviews with some of the presenters on the day. Ulysses Maclaren interviews Lee Stevens Ulysses from SSW talks to Lee Stevens about what a Digital Strategy is, and how to make one for your organisation.