Monthly News by *Special Guest* Stephen Forte of Telerik

January Software News by *Special Guest* Stephen Forte of Telerik

We are proud to have Stephen Forte, Chief Strategy Officer at Telerik, present this month’s software development news at the Sydney .NET Users Group. Steve shares his observations of working in Hong Kong with Telerik on their Startup Excelerator program. There are many interesting statistics about smart phones and app usage. He also talks about…

Monthly News by Adam Cogan (November)

November Software News with Adam Cogan

In this months news, Adam Cogan discusses: //build/ 2012 conference The new Windows 8 Phones (Nokia Lumia 920 and HTC 8X) Steven Sinofsky Office 2013 TFS Update 1 VS Update 1 Kendo Music Store (see interactive graphs that are touch enabled and use SVG (part of HTML), as well as how the Filters triggers animation…

Monthly News by Adam Cogan (October)

October Software News with Adam Cogan

In this month’s news, Adam Cogan discusses: Windows Surface (price announcement) Office 2013 RTM SharePoint 2013 DDD Brisbane (December 1st 2012) – call for content – A new wiki for software developers Enterprise MVC Course (SSW) Xbox Music – 30 million tracks Scott Guthrie – Windows Azure for building Mobile Apps — Want to…

ASP.Net Web API – From Start to Rest in 60 minutes with Paul Glavich + News

ASP.NET Web API – From Start to Rest in 60 minutes with Paul Glavich + News

In this session, you will find out how to make a very REST friendly API using the new and shiny ASP.Net WebAPI technology set shipped with MVC 4. We will look at the way we have exposed API’s in the past, and how that has changed overtime to what we have today. We will examine…