Scott is a web developer who has been blogging at www.hanselman.com for over a decade. He works in Open Source on ASP.NET and the Azure Cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland. Scott has three podcasts, Hansel Minutes for tech talk, This Developers Life on developers' lives and loves, and Ratchet and the Geek for pop culture and tech media. He's written a number of books and spoken in person to almost a half-million developers worldwide.

NDC Sydney 2016 – Ask Me Anything! with Scott Hanselman & Adam Cogan (Community, Open Source, Azure, Exciting Future Tech)
NDC made it’s way to Sydney this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. As usual there were a host of top industry pros talking about various subjects related to software development. SSW TV was there to run the ‘Ask Me Anything’ booth, where we grabbed some of those speakers after…

The Changing Face of Microsoft and the Web with Scott Hanselman
Damian Brady speaks to Scott Hanselman at the Microsoft MVP Summit in Seattle. Scott talks about community engagement and his feelings on the changes within Microsoft, then talks about what developers need to know about the high pace of change in JavaScript and ASP.NET. Take the Quiz! [WATUPRO 78]

Scott Hanselman on Windows Azure and Visual Studio 2013
In a special presentation at the Sydney .Net Users Group, Scott Hanselman talked openly and candidly about all things Microsoft, specifically on Windows Azure and Visual Studio 2013. You also see Hanselman dig into the open source SDKs of Windows Azure and discuss the future of Open Source. You’ll see him access Azure from the…

Scott Hanselman Unplugged in Sydney – Open Q&A on Microsoft and Azure
Handsome-Hanselman Unplugged – open Q&A This is the first part of a 2 part series featuring special guest Scott Hanselman. Scott presented at the Sydney Users Group about Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Azure. In this video, Scott takes audience questions about all-things Azure and Microsoft. The questions include: Where is SQL Azure going? How…

Legend Scott Hanselman on what made him successful
var socialJQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);new SocialBar(“1359511860439_social_6240”, {buttons:[“embed”,”twitter”,”facebook”], badgeUrl:”https://wistia.com”, embedCode:”%3Ciframe%20width%3D%22640%22%20height%3D%22360%22%20src%3D%22http%3A//www.youtube.com/embed/nN-qQiICaBA%3Frel%3D0%22%20frameborder%3D%220%22%20allowfullscreen%3E%3C/iframe%3E”}) In this interview with industry legend Scott Hanselman, Adam Cogan asks some questions to find out what exactly made him so successful in helping the wider community. Scott works for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, but he is mainly well recognised and revered by…