Mob Programming + AWS Project Development Kit | Klee Thomas & Mark Tranter | Newcastle Coders Group

Join us for an exciting event featuring two great presenters at the SSW Newcastle office!

Talk 1: Mob Programming with Klee Thomas
On the other end of the spectrum, Klee Thomas will share his experiences with Mob Programming. Discover the benefits and challenges of this collaborative approach.

Talk 2: AWS Project Development Kit with Mark Tranter
Mark Tranter will dive into the AWS Project Development Kit in a live-coding heavy session. Get ready to see AWS in action and learn from an expert.

Our host, Matt Wicks, will kick things off with a quick tech news segment, keeping you updated on the latest in the tech world.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and stay ahead in the tech game!

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Getting started with Tina CMS | Matt Wicks

Welcome to our tutorial on getting started with Tina CMS! In this video, join Matt Wicks and learn how easy and powerful it is to use Tina CMS for managing your content. Whether you’re a seasoned JavaScript developer or new to the world of content management, this guide will help you set up and start using Tina CMS in no time.

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Data Deletion | Adam Cogan & Matt Wicks | SSW Rules

In this interview, SSW’s Chief Architect Adam Cogan sits down with SSW’s Solution Architect Matt Wicks to discuss the importance of data management in software development. They delve into the significance of data integrity and offer advice to budding developers. Discover their perspectives on cascade deletes, soft deletes, UI bugs, and more. Join the dialogue to grasp how data forms the core of application reliability. Don’t miss out on these invaluable insights for fostering a robust data-driven approach to coding.

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Setting up your Ultimate Dev Environment | Matt Wicks

Matt Wicks and the Ultimate Dev Environment

Everyone wants the ultimate dev environment – but more CPU, RAM, and (let’s be honest) screens can be very expensive toys. Learn how to make your computer sing and tweak your Visual Studio and VS Code experience to improve your life as a developer.   There is a myriad of tools out there and ways…

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