DDD Sydney 2012 – Mehdi Khalili: ‘Automated UI Testing Done Right’

DDD Sydney 2012 – Mehdi Khalili: ‘Automated UI Testing Done Right with Selenium’

Many teams try Automated UI Testing and many fail. Automated UI Testing is hard: the tests take a lot of time to write and tend to be brittle and hard to maintain. In this session, Mehdi Khalili will provide you with some practical advice on how to and how not to write your tests, introducing…

Clean Code, Testing and Continuous Improvement with Peter Gfader

Clean Code, Testing and Continuous Improvement with Peter Gfader

SSW’s Adam Stephensen (Solution Architect) is joined by Peter Gfader to talk about Clean Code, testing and continuous improvement Peter Gfader is an Agile Enthusiast and aspiring Software Craftsman who likes Clean Code and is a strong believer in improving in baby steps. In this video, Peter discusses Clean Code development and how it raises…

John Papa on Single Page Applications (SPA)

John Papa on Single Page Applications (SPA)

SSW’s Adam Stephensen is joined by Microsoft MVP and Pluralsight Author John Papa to explore building great web user experiences with Single Page Applications. They discuss the ASP.Net SPA Templates, Javascript libraries and the effects on application architecture. Resources John’s Blog John’s Pluralsight courses Free Single Page Apps JumpStart – Pluralsight Module by…

ASP.NET MVC and Angular JS with Scott Allen

ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS with Scott Allen

Adam Stephensen does a webcam interview with Scott Allen. They discuss using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC to build responsive web applications with two-way data-binding, clear separation of concerns and improved testability. — Want to build a website? SSW has the resources to develop sites of any scope, from ongoing maintenance tasks to the implementation of…

Monthly News by TJ

February Software News by TJ

This month in Software: New ASP.NET and Web Tools New iOS released Microsoft’s first Windows 8 update The Hacker that got into Apple

Visual Studio 2012 with Jamie Cool

Visual Studio 2012 with Jamie Cool

Adam Cogan interviews Jamie Cool from Microsoft about the new Visual Studio 2012 Jamie showed Adam the new Visual Studio 2012 and what a fantastic insight into the early Beta it was. Jamie demoed only the best features. In this interview, we cover: The philosophy behind the new design to the new Team Explorer The…

Common ASP.NET Design Patterns with Steve Smith (Executive VP of Telerik)

Common ASP.NET Design Patterns with Steve Smith (Executive VP of Telerik)

In this presentation, Steve Smith, Executive VP of Telerik, discusses Common ASP.NET Design Patterns. Design Patterns provide common templates for solving the same family of problems in a similar way. They also provide a higher-level language for software developers to use to describe approaches they might choose when designing a component of an application. In…

Eat your vegetables! Baking Healthy Projects with Unit Testing and Dependency Injection

Eat your vegetables! Baking Healthy Projects with Unit Testing and Dependency Injection

Unit testing and Dependency Injection are good for you, yet these essential ingredients are missing from many projects. In this session resident guru Adam Stephensen looks at why many projects still don’t include unit tests, and provides some recipes for healthy projects that every coder should have in their recipe book.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Use Web Forms Again

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Use Web Forms Again

Find out in less than 4 minutes the Top 5 Reasons to ditch Web Forms and move over to MVC already! #1: Testability– MVC provides true separation of concerns, and makes it easy to test the whole application from Unit Tests to Coded UI Tests. #2: Instant Pages – Get your admin pages up and…