Cameron Shaw was admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 2011. Cameron spent seven years in project management, sales and management in the software and finance industries before entering the legal profession. He has recently run matters in the Supreme Court on mutual wills and family provision, charitable trusts and the Contracts Review Act. Cameron is also a Director of a not-for-profit aged care provider.

Do you spot common gotchas in NDA contracts?
ning contracts – A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) also known as a Confidentiality Agreement can sometimes have a lot of legal implications and you should be careful before signing one.

Rules to Better Email Communication with Cameron Shaw
Book Adam Now Adam Cogan interviews Contract Lawyer, Cameron Shaw, to find out what the best practices are when it comes to email in a business environment, with reference to the Email Rules that we at SSW apply every day. Take the Quiz! [WATUPRO 11]

Software Development Contracts and Contract Disputes – Tips and Tricks with Cameron Shaw
At the beginning of a contract everything often goes swimmingly. The client loves you and you get paid on time, every time. Then, after a few issues or delays, the contract can go a little bit off the rails. There’s issues to do with deliverables, the client is a bit late in paying bills, and…