Quantum Computers with Richard Campbell | NDC Melbourne 2022
Richard Campbell walks us through the mind-boggling field of Quantum Computing. It’s a global race to see who can make it faster and more efficient. But what is it all for? What’s the use of these leading-edge processors?
Read MoreEvent Storming with William Liebenberg
Do you know the value of Event Storming?
Often when building systems it isn’t super clear what all the nuts and bolts should be. There might be several major stakeholders or domain experts each with slightly different ideas understanding that causes contention in how the system functions.
Read MoreThe dangers of your strong suits
“When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
This saying is often used for developers who want to use their favourite technology to solve every coding issue, even when it’s not the best fit. But this saying is actually relevant to us all.
Read MoreDo You Know When To Ask For Help?
When you’re working, you will encounter issues that block you from progressing, and force you to do some googling, and investigation on how to move forward. These moments can be stressful, especially for junior developers and the question arises, “When should I ask for help?”
Read MoreFlexing Your Biceps with Azure – Making laC easy and fun with William Liebenberg
No matter how hard we try, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) JSON templates aren’t easy or fun to maintain for enterprise platforms and applications.
Now we can flex our Infrastructure as Code (IaC) muscles using a new tool called Azure Bicep.
Do you explain a problem by zooming in and out with Luke Cook
Explaining problems can be really hard. Often, when you are trying to talk with someone about it, they get lost and frustrated because they don’t fully understand the context.
Read MoreDo you have a product roadmap?
A product backlog is a great way to see the fairly small broken up PBIs (Product Backlog Items) that make up your team’s “to do” list, but it can be a bit too zoomed in and makes it easy to stray from the product goals.
Read MoreMAUI – Do you build cross-platform mobile apps with .NET MAUI ? (for iOS and Android)
If you’re building installable binary apps (as opposed to web apps), it makes sense to use a cross-platform framework so that you don’t need to maintain multiple code bases.
Read MoreSSW Hangzhou – New Office
Welcome to SSW Hangzhou! Our SSW China Marketing Manager Yang Shen gives us a walk-through showcasing the latest features and renovations made to our China office.
Read MoreBuild Multi-Platform Applications for Mobile, Desktop and Web in .NET with the Uno Platform with Nick Randolph
The ability to deploy the same UI codebase across all platforms is a great productivity booster. But the application lifecycle starts much earlier – at design time. Uno Platform provides a Figma plugin, which eliminates the timely designer-developer handoff. In addition, the platform now provides a set of non-UI extensions to help jump-start your apps. Lastly, the VS Code extensions allows C# and XAML to use VS Code with IntelliSense-like experience, C# and XAML Hot Reload, and more.
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