Education in the Cloud – Campion’s Digital Journey with Alexander Candy-Levy, Michael Smedley and Patrick Zhao
See how four million students are moving from paper to digital, leveraging containerized microservices for scale, and integrating with a complex partner network as well as the national schools ecosystem.
Read MoreSecDevOps for Azure Functions and APIM in Hybrid cloud architecture with Lana Vyshnivetska
Join Lana as she shows us how to start with SecDevOps for Azure Functions and APIM in Hybrid cloud architecture.
Read MoreCloudy with a Chance of Mobile: .NET Everywhere with MAUI with Matt Goldman
When Microsoft first launched .NET, the vision was to offer a viable alternative to Java and the JVM – a runtime and associated language(s) that could run anywhere. With MAUI, that original dream is becoming a reality. Whether you’re building for cloud, mobile, browser, desktop, IoT devices, servers, embedded systems…the list goes on and on…
Read MoreThousands of concurrent connections with Azure SignalR Service
As much as everyone loves having real-time applications, it is a pain to have them in high traffic websites. Scaling is a big issue which can be easily solved by using Azure’s SignalR Service. How can we add real-time functionality to cloud hosted web applications? How can we test and handle high traffic volume without…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Azure Developer Course (8 parts) – Dev SuperPowers Azure Tour
This feature packed series is designed to bring developers up-to-speed on the new features and benefits of using Microsoft Azure to build awesome cloud-based applications. At SSW we have already gone through the hard work of learning how to implement apps on Azure and we will be showing you everything you need to know in…
Read MoreMachine Learning simplified for Developers with ML.NET – Jernej “JK” Kavka
Microsoft recently launched ML.NET 1.1 which is a great entry point for .NET developers and to gain experience building something with Machine Learning. With the recent release of ML.NET Model Builder, we can create machine learning models by attempting to import raw data first and over time curate the data, to get better results. JK…
Read MoreReal-life SpendOps with Cosmos DB | William Liebenberg
In this video, William will measure test outcomes in terms of Success or Failure. With Cosmos DB we also need factor in the effect our code changes will have on the cost of our software in production. In this talk you will learn the secrets to optimize your Cosmos DB performance and at the same…
Read MoreAzure Functions and the future of Serverless in the Enterprise | Jeff Hollan [Microsoft]
Serverless hit the ground running with plenty of excitement, skepticism, and conversation. Hear from the product manager lead for the Azure Functions runtime on where serverless has succeeded today, it’s shortcomings, and where it is headed for tomorrow.
Read MoreBuild the Real-time Web with SignalR Core and Azure SignalR Service | Anthony Chu [Microsoft]
Azure SignalR is a fully managed real-time messaging service. Learn how it integrates with ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, and Azure Functions to add real-time capabilities using WebSocket to your applications.
Read MoreReal-time Face Recognition With Microsoft Cognitive Services
This session is all about Microsoft Face API in practice! JK, the man behind, will cover what it means to use Microsoft Cognitive Services in real-time, why offline detection libraries are essential and why you should use infrared and depth cameras like Kinect and Intel RealSense in your applications.
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