Thousands of concurrent connections with Azure SignalR Service

As much as everyone loves having real-time applications, it is a pain to have them in high traffic websites. Scaling is a big issue which can be easily solved by using Azure’s SignalR Service. How can we add real-time functionality to cloud hosted web applications? How can we test and handle high traffic volume without…

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Real-life SpendOps with Cosmos DB | William Liebenberg

In this video, William will measure test outcomes in terms of Success or Failure. With Cosmos DB we also need factor in the effect our code changes will have on the cost of our software in production. In this talk you will learn the secrets to optimize your Cosmos DB performance and at the same…

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Real-time Face Recognition With Microsoft Cognitive Services

This session is all about Microsoft Face API in practice! JK, the man behind, will cover what it means to use Microsoft Cognitive Services in real-time, why offline detection libraries are essential and why you should use infrared and depth cameras like Kinect and Intel RealSense in your applications.

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