Developing Flexible Authorization Capabilities in ASP.NET Core with Jason Taylor

In this talk, Jason Taylor will demonstrate an approach using permission-based authorization to overcome these limitations by building a flexible approach to managing roles and permissions from within your system. This will improve the maintainability and visibility of access control across your system. Putting the power into the hands of application users and administrators, rather than developers.

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Logging in .NET Core can save you hours when debugging SSW Solution Architect JK is a battle scared logging in .NET Core veteran. He shows Andreas Lengkeek his best practices for logging, gathered through his years of experience. When setup correctly, logging can save you hours in those moments when your code don’t run as planned. So take some notes on these best practices…

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Getting the most out of your logging in .NET

Lightning Talk .NET logging

Does setting up logging do your head in? Join JK, a battle scared logging in .NET Core veteran, as he attempts to reduce your headache. Dissolve an aspirin, dim the lights, and let JK soothe your head. In this talk, you will learn easily from JK’s past trials and errors and get straight into setting…

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Setting up your Ultimate Dev Environment | Matt Wicks

Matt Wicks and the Ultimate Dev Environment

Everyone wants the ultimate dev environment – but more CPU, RAM, and (let’s be honest) screens can be very expensive toys. Learn how to make your computer sing and tweak your Visual Studio and VS Code experience to improve your life as a developer.   There is a myriad of tools out there and ways…

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