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Azure Architecture Center by Microsoft Regional Director Adam Cogan
Azure Architecture Center is a one stop shop for all things Azure Architecture. It’s got a library of reference implementations to get you started. Lots of information on best practices from the big decisions you need to make down to the little details that can make a huge difference to how your application behaves.
Read MoreSSW SophieBot: Introduction to Adaptive Cards Designer the best UI tool for Microsoft bots
Join SSW Software Architect Luke Mao as he demonstrates how to build a profile card with Adaptive Cards Designer, using SSW SophieBot.
Read MoreIntroduction to LUIS Natural language for bots (using SSW SophieBot)
Join Software Architect Jim Zheng as he gives us a look into the SSW SophieBot, an AI chatbot that leverages the power of the Microsoft bot framework and Language Understanding (LUIS) to search for data with natural language search terms.
Read MoreTech News: EF Core 6 released, Windows 11 updates Notepad, Apple to release autonomous car
Join Adam Cogan as he goes through SSW Tech News: EF Core 6, Azure Communication Services, Windows 11 Notepad, Apple plans to release fully autonomous car, Visual Studio 2022
Read MoreFairness and Helping Each Other – 10 tips with Adam Cogan
We have all dealt with unfairness in the workplace in some way, shape or form. A good workplace won’t foster a sense of unfairness, instead it will create an environment to allow employees to help build each other up. In this video, Adam offers 10 golden tips to deal with unfairness and settle yourself.
Read MoreSpeaking Up about Unfairness – with Adam Cogan and Jean Thirion
Adam has a fun chat with SSW Solution Architect Jean Thirion about speaking up in the workplace. This is an important topic to discuss with your employer to make sure you are being treated fairly amongst your co-workers. There are some riveting stories Adam and Jean bring up that demonstrate the importance of always speaking up.
Read MoreDo you know how to do lighting automation?
Join Adam Cogan as he goes through some crucial information on managing your projects. He’ll be looking into GitHub Issues, as well as GitHub Projects, GitHub Labels, and “all that good stuff”.
Read MoreSSW Tech News: Microsoft Loop, .NET 6, npm and Yarn packages, NuGet 6, Visual Studio 2022, GitHub, Teams
Join Adam Cogan as he goes through SSW Tech News covering Microsoft Loop, .NET 6, npm & Yarn packages, NuGet 6, Visual Studio 2022, GitHub and Teams.
Read MoreManaging GitHub Issues with Adam Cogan
Join Adam Cogan as he goes through some crucial information on managing your projects. He’ll be looking into GitHub Issues, as well as GitHub Projects, GitHub Labels, and “all that good stuff”.
Read MoreDo you have playlists & custom thumbnails on your YouTube channel?
SSW Chief Architect Adam Cogan shows how to categorize your YouTube channel with playlists and custom thumbnails to maximize user engagement.
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