The 5 important questions about .NET 5 | Brendan Richards

The 5 important questions about .NET 5 ​Back in 2016 Microsoft made the brave step of building a brand new .Net Core away from the classic “Full Framework” .NET. This meant they were able to hit the “Redo button” in so many ways, bringing us the modern, open-source, fast and cross-platform framework that we use…

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EF Core Query Tags and logging | Jernej “JK” Kavka

.NET Core allows us to log just about everything very easily, but when something goes wrong with SQL queries, how exactly do you figure out where it’s coming from…? This is where EF Core Query Tags comes into play, along with a couple of logging strategies, you’ll never be confused by the intent and location…

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Real-time Face Recognition With Microsoft Cognitive Services

This session is all about Microsoft Face API in practice! JK, the man behind, will cover what it means to use Microsoft Cognitive Services in real-time, why offline detection libraries are essential and why you should use infrared and depth cameras like Kinect and Intel RealSense in your applications.

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