
Education in the Cloud – Campion’s Digital Journey with Alexander Candy-Levy, Michael Smedley and Patrick Zhao

See how four million students are moving from paper to digital, leveraging containerized microservices for scale, and integrating with a complex partner network as well as the national schools ecosystem.


Store your notes in Teams with Warwick Leahy

There is a myriad of options to choose from when storing and sharing documents: SharePoint, or OneDrive/Dropbox/Google Drive, or Microsoft Teams.


Duplicate an entire email in one keystroke with Adam Cogan

If you want to duplicate a particular message in Outlook, place the cursor in any of these fields: To, Cc, Bc, or Subject, and press CTRL


Delayed emails as Reminders with Adam Cogan

Efficient people don’t rely on their memory and instead, use some way to make sure they don’t forget to do that task.


Tech News #14 VS Code, GitHub push protect, NET MAUI RC, Azure VMs + ARM chips, GitHub code search

Did someone ask “What’s the latest Github update?” Join our CEO Adam Cogan as he gives us the monthly tech news update from the SSW Brisbane office.


Microservice Solutions with Ocelot on Azure with Patrick Zhao

Learn from Patrick how valuable Ocelot is and see the ins and outs of building an API gateway and protect the services using Azure VNet.

superfast transactions with Bryden Oliver

Superfast transactions in low milli-seconds using Cosmos DB and Redis with Bryden Oliver

Need a way to make your code behave like Cosmos has transactions? Let Bryden Oliver show you how.

What's new in Azure Form Recogniser

What’s new in Azure Form Recogniser? with Microsoft AI MVP Somy Ayazi

Join Somy Ayazi for a brief on Azure Cognitive Services and an overview on Azure From Recogniser new capabilities.

The Shepherd Centre Story

The Shepherd Centre Story – helping deaf children reach their full potential

Watch an inspiring story of how new software developed by SSW is helping deaf kids at The Shepherd Centre. Featuring CEO, Jim Hungerford, General Manager, Dr. Aleisha Davis and Principal of Digital Development, Danielle Lam.