Staying sane while dipping your toe into SaaS with Sonia Cuff and Adam Stephensen – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Adam Stephensen Interviews Sonia Cuff In this interview Sonia discusses: 1. Why SaaS makes sense 2. Shadow IT horror stories 3. Microsoft Products you can use to get some control

How to be Productive with Orin Thomas and Jason Taylor – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Jason Taylor Interviews Orin Thomas In this interview, we catch up with Orin and learn: 1. His top tips for staying productive (how he manages to get so much done) 2. How Gooroo.io can help…

Conversation as a Platform and the Azure Bot Framework with Dr Neil Roodyn and Adam Stephensen – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Adam Stephensen Interviews Dr Neil Roodyn In this interview Dr Neil speaks with Adam Stephensen about Conversation as a Platform and the Azure Bot Framework. He also discusses: 1. Bot Framework 2. Luis.AI 3. Dev.Windows.com

Power Apps, Microsoft Flow and PowerBI with Charles Sterling and Adam Cogan – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Adam Cogan Interviews Charles Sterling Charles Sterling made a special visit from Redmond, Seattle to chat with Adam Cogan about Power Apps, Microsoft Flow, and Power BI.

What’s New in Xamarin Forms with Michael Ridland and Adam Stephensen – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Adam Stephensen Interviews Michael Ridland In this interview Michael discusses: 1. The different flavours of Xamarin 2. What’s new in Xamarin Forms 3. Xamarin Forms Performance

Tech Story Telling with Channel 9’s Seth Juarez and Adam Cogan – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Adam Cogan Interviews Seth Juarez In this video, Seth talks about some of the highs and lows of being a host on Microsoft’s Channel 9. He also talks about the general story telling strategies he…

Introduction to the Elastic Stack with Russ Cam and Jason Taylor – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Jason Taylor Interviews Russ Cam In this interview Russ Cam from Elastic discusses with Jason Taylor from SSW: 1. The different parts of the Elastic stack 2. When to use Elastic on your apps 3.…

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace with Kylie Hunt and Adam Cogan – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Adam Cogan Interviews Kylie Hunt In this video, Adam Cogan interviews Kylie Hunt on “Appreciation in the Workplace” at Microsoft Ignite Conference in Gold Coast. Kylie discusses the 5 Love Languages and the impact they…

Azure on a Coffee Budget with Troy Hunt and Adam Cogan – Microsoft Ignite Australia 2017
Microsoft Ignite Australia is on the Gold Coast this year and SSW TV was there to catch all the action. Adam Cogan Interviews Troy Hunt In this interview Troy Hunt speaks with Adam Cogan about his talk at Microsoft Ignite Australia on “Building a Large Scale Real World Application on a Coffee Budget.” He explains…