
Do you know how to brand your API?

Consumers are very picky when it comes to choosing their favourite API. They don’t appreciate boring pages that lack images, colour and style. Branding your API Portal is important to make your organization and API stand out in the market. By adding some excitement to your API Portal (as well as a properly documented API)…

Lightning Talk .NET logging

Getting the most out of your logging in .NET

Does setting up logging do your head in? Join JK, a battle scared logging in .NET Core veteran, as he attempts to reduce your headache. Dissolve an aspirin, dim the lights, and let JK soothe your head. In this talk, you will learn easily from JK’s past trials and errors and get straight into setting…

Azure API Management

Taking control of your APIs with Azure API Management

In this lightning talk William Liebenberg covers his favourite features of Azure API Management such as the Developer Portal, Policies and Analytics and how easy it is for you to start using them to secure and monitor your own APIs. He will also highlight where Azure API Management becomes really difficult to manage and how…

SSW Biceps of Steel

An Introduction to Biceps of Steel

SSW Solution Architect Bryden Oliver explains how to create Bicep templates, how to add Managed Identities and he’ll walk us through his new GitHub Repo, “Biceps of Steel”. Bryden is a Solution Architect with over 25 years professional experience. He has a wealth of knowledge from a diverse range of areas but with particular focus…


Stop storing your secrets with Azure Managed Identities

Is your code exposing valuable secrets for anyone to see? SSW Solution Architect Bryden Oliver shows us how to store our secrets using Azure Managed Identities so your code is safe and secure. SSW.Rules | Do you store your secrets securely? Bryden is a Solution Architect with over 25 years professional experience. He has a…

Power BI Visuals

Awesome Power BI Visuals With Charticulator

Looking for a low code custom Power BI chart option? SSW Solution Architect Prem Radhakrishnan and Andreas Lengkeek takes us through the Charticulator visual, now integrated within Power BI desktop and AppSource. SSW.Rules | Do you always choose the right visual for your reports? Prem is a Solution Architect at SSW and brings over 12…

Matt Wicks and the Ultimate Dev Environment

Setting up your Ultimate Dev Environment | Matt Wicks

Everyone wants the ultimate dev environment – but more CPU, RAM, and (let’s be honest) screens can be very expensive toys. Learn how to make your computer sing and tweak your Visual Studio and VS Code experience to improve your life as a developer.   There is a myriad of tools out there and ways…

Joe Albahari Programming guru

What I’ve learned from 20 years of programming in C# | Joe Albahari

Hear from Joe Albahari, a C# Programming guru! In April 2001, Joe wrote and published his first C# program. Join him in discovering the most valuable principles that he’s learned in the 20 years of C# programming that followed. In this video he covers a range of topics, with plenty of samples and useful code…

Cortana integration and other top tips for better appointments in your Outlook calendar

Cortana integration and other top tips for better appointments in your Outlook calendar

Ulysses Maclaren and Adam Cogan discuss the best ways to keep organized using Outlook Calendar. Check out the rule here:…​ || Subscribe for more content from SSW TV || || Press like and leave a comment below to let us know how we’re doing || Twitter ↴​ Facebook ↴​ Created by SSW…