A Professional Geek for Microsoft, Nick has over 26 years of IT industry experience in a variety of evangelism, sales, technical, management, marketing and strategic roles. As a professional geek, occasional presenter, curmudgeon social networker and a closet workaholic, Nick just loves software technology & cats. Nick is presently tasked with working with Australian developers who want to create great Apps for Windows 8 (and a little bit of Windows Phone and Windows Azure). Another key aspect of this role includes explaining what a Professional Geek from Microsoft actually does. Nick is an active developer contributor to open source projects in his spare time.

Reactive Extensions with Nick Hodge
Nick Hodge explains Reactive Extensions in this highly technical talk. Take the Quiz! [WATUPRO 70]

Building Multiplatform Mobile Applications with Azure Mobile Services – Nick Hodge
Azure Mobile Services makes it easy to build a common backend for your multi-platform mobile applications. Nick Hodge – Professional Geek and Microsoft employee talks about adding authentication, server logic, push notifications, scheduled tasks, data, logging and diagnostics to your multi-platform application, all in one common code base.