Computers have feelings too! | Paul Glavich at DDD Sydney 2017

Well not quite, but they can detect them. This talk will explore Microsoft Cognitive Services in Azure. We’ll take a look at the offerings overall, and then take a deeper look into specifics such as Sentiment analysis, Computer vision (image recognition) and Emotion detection. Computers have feelings too from Paul Glavich

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Ready for Next | Tatham Oddie at DDD Sydney 2017

This year, we celebrate 10 years of the iPhone: a device that remodelled awkward business PDAs into pervasive internet access. For a significant portion of society, they’re now embedded into everything we do. I struggle to buy a coffee now if my phone is flat, and no coffee = no function. In this talk, we’ll…

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Holographic Programming – Exploring the HoloLens | Lars Klint at DDD Sydney 2016

SSW TV brings you all the best content from the 2016 DDD event in Sydney. In this presentation, Lars takes us through an exciting look at holographic programming, specifically focusing on the yet-to-be-released Microsoft HoloLens Talk outline: “Virtual reality and augmented reality are terms most developers and technical enthusiasts recognize. What about “Mixed reality”? A…

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