What is a compiler? We thought we knew… | Mads Torgersen at DDD Brisbane 2015

SSW TV was proud to sponsor and record 2015’s DDD event in Brisbane. This video features Mads Torgersen, Program Manager at Microsoft, who talks about compilers, specifically Roslyn. This is a fascinating talk and should be watched by any developer. From the description: Project “Roslyn” revamps C#’s fundamental compiler infrastructure, and challenges our concept of…

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The story of Octopus Deploy | Paul Stovell at DDD Melbourne 2015

Paul Stovell tells us about the story of Octopus Deploy. From the description: In 2011, while stuck in a meeting, I started hacking on an idea. The idea became a prototype, and then a product. It is now used by thousands of customers around the world, and employs 8 people. In this presentation, I’ll take you…

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The Power of a Great API – the case for writing API-first applications | Damian Brady at DDD Melbourne 2015

SSW TV recorded this years’ DDD conference in Melbourne. In this video, Damian Brady – a Solution Architect for Octopus Deploy – tells us you should be focused on ‘API first’ when developing your application. From the presentation description: Good developers try to make their jobs as easy as possible. We know our application will evolve, so we…

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