Getting your website on every device using ASP.NET MVC 4

Our very own Damian Brady took the stage at the DDD event in Brisbane to talk ASP.NET MVC Mobile devices like tablets and phones are quickly becoming the primary way people access the web. So why are so many sites still not designed for them? With ASP.NET MVC, it’s easier than ever to literally put…

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JavaScript is Awe-Ful | Katie McLaughlin at DDD Sydney 2017

JavaScript is an incredibly powerful language, and thanks to its renaissance, it now has uses that extend beyond the browser. However, being a language that’s extremely accessible, with a shallow learning curve and large userbase, it’s the subject of – at times – vitriolic abuse from other language communities. Yes, JavaScript was created in a…

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Computers have feelings too! | Paul Glavich at DDD Sydney 2017

Well not quite, but they can detect them. This talk will explore Microsoft Cognitive Services in Azure. We’ll take a look at the offerings overall, and then take a deeper look into specifics such as Sentiment analysis, Computer vision (image recognition) and Emotion detection. Computers have feelings too from Paul Glavich

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