Feature Management Simplified: A Deep Dive into Feature Boards | Matt Wicks & Lars Klint

Join SSW’s Solution Architect Matt Wicks as he dives into the world of feature management with Microsoft Azure MVP, Lars Klint, at NDC Sydney 2024. Explore the innovative approach of feature boards, shifting the responsibility from developers to product owners. Discover how feature toggling transcends the binary realm and adapts to dynamic audience segmentation. With insights into audience providers, SDK usage across multiple languages, and seamless integration into development pipelines, this conversation uncovers a new era of feature management.

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TDD: How Fluent Assertions came to be | Luke Parker & Dennis Doomen

Join SSW’s Luke Parker in this insightful interview with Dennis, the author of the Fluent Assertions Library, as they discuss the origins of the library, its evolution, and the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD). Dennis shares his journey from a small internal project to a widely used open-source tool, emphasizing the importance of self-describing tests and design clarity. Learn how TDD not only enhances code maintainability but also fosters a better understanding of system boundaries and design patterns.

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