Posts Tagged ‘‘tokens’; ‘OpenID’’
AI 2 Day Workshop | Calum Simpson
SSW is exploring the evolving field of AI for software development, and actively encourages employees to integrate use AI into their work. Since Generative AI has become widely adopted, our developers have been taking advantage of it, and are building better software faster and significantly boosting SSW’s productivity. This workshop aims to share the knowledge of these great modern tools to help others.
Available both in-person and online.
Access Granted: Demystifying the identity options | Matt Goldman
How do you manage access to the applications you build? When it comes to securing your software, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the vast number of options available, and confused by the sheer volume of information; not to mention often poor documentation. ‘Identification’, ‘authentication’, ‘authorisation’; ‘claims’, ‘roles’, ‘tokens’; ‘OpenID’, ‘OAuth’, ‘B2C’, ‘Auth0’. Ever wondered…
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