Building Single Page Applications with ASP.NET Core 2.0 | Jason Taylor @ DDD Brisbane 2017

DDD Brisbane 2017 is a conference ran by developers for developers and SSW TV was on hand to catch some of the action! Speaker: Jason Taylor @jasongtau In this talk, we’ll look at using ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services to build single page applications using Angular, Aurelia, Knockout, React, React+Redux or Vue. With this approach you can…

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10 Years of Teaching Kids to Code | Lynn Langit @ DDD Brisbane 2017

DDD Brisbane 2017 is a conference ran by developers for developers and SSW TV was on hand to catch some of the action! Speaker: Lynn Langit @lynnlangit In this talk, TKP Director Lynn Langit will share learnings from creating open source TKPJava and TKPIoT courseware and working with teams to teach teachers and kids worldwide.

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Holographic Programming – Exploring the HoloLens | Lars Klint at DDD Sydney 2016

SSW TV brings you all the best content from the 2016 DDD event in Sydney. In this presentation, Lars takes us through an exciting look at holographic programming, specifically focusing on the yet-to-be-released Microsoft HoloLens Talk outline: “Virtual reality and augmented reality are terms most developers and technical enthusiasts recognize. What about “Mixed reality”? A…

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What is a compiler? We thought we knew… | Mads Torgersen at DDD Brisbane 2015

SSW TV was proud to sponsor and record 2015’s DDD event in Brisbane. This video features Mads Torgersen, Program Manager at Microsoft, who talks about compilers, specifically Roslyn. This is a fascinating talk and should be watched by any developer. From the description: Project “Roslyn” revamps C#’s fundamental compiler infrastructure, and challenges our concept of…

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