
Why Choose Rich Text Editor Over Markdown For SharePoint pages | Jean Thirion
Learn how to use the Rich Text Editor web part instead of the Markdown Editor web part and create a better SharePoint intranet page.

Store your notes in Teams with Warwick Leahy
There is a myriad of options to choose from when storing and sharing documents: SharePoint, or OneDrive/Dropbox/Google Drive, or Microsoft Teams.

Sites to Give Your Admin Staff on SharePoint with Warwick Leahy
It’s important for all your SharePoint Sites to be as consistent as possible.
In the days of classic SharePoint, subsites were a popular way of organising your intranet. Modern SharePoint architecture leans toward a flatter hierarchy, where sub-sites are generally not recommended.

Teams and SharePoint Search Bug with Jean Thirion
Not finding stuff you have permissions to is super frustrating. So this one has always confused us…. Do you consider it a bug?

Microsoft Ignite 2018 SharePoint News – Drinking from the firehose!
Microsoft Ignite is the largest event of the year for Microsoft unveiling new features and future roadmap for Office 365, SharePoint and related services. This session will bring together the most important and relevant SharePoint related announcements from 100+ sessions at the conference that were in some way related to SharePoint! Given the sheer volume…

Shell’s Migration Experience with Robert Tucker and Adam Cogan – Digital Workplace Conference, Sydney 2017
The Digital Workplace Conference is on again in Sydney, and SSW were lucky enough to get some exclusive interviews with some of the presenters on the day. Adam Cogan interviews Robert Tucker Adam Cogan from SSW, asks Robert Tucker, a Senior Solution Architect at Shell, to describe his experience of migrating to SharePoint Online from…

Making Governance Consumable with Susan Handley and Adam Cogan – Digital Workplace Conference, Sydney 2017
The Digital Workplace Conference is on again in Sydney, and SSW were lucky enough to get some exclusive interviews with some of the presenters on the day. Adam Cogan interviews Susan Hanley Adam Coagn from SSW, speaks to Susan Hanley, a Services MVP and Consultant specialist, about planning Office365 and SharePoint governance in a way…

Power BI and SharePoint | Adam Cogan
You wouldn’t have a website without google analytics. You wouldn’t attend the races without a top hat. So why use SharePoint without beautiful insights on what users are doing? PowerBI is Microsoft’s premier interactive data reporting and visualization platform. Every business should integrate PowerBI reporting into SharePoint 2016 to give end users the power to…