Unlocking Domain-Driven Design: Exploring Contextive | Gert Marx & Chris Simon

In this video, join Gert Marx, SSW Solution Architect, as he interviews Chris Simon, Start up CTO Coach, about his open-source project, Contextive. Contextive is inspired by Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles, particularly focusing on the ubiquitous language aspect. Chris explains how miscommunication between developers and users can lead to issues in software projects, and how Contextive aims to mitigate this by documenting domain terminology.

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Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 2.1 | Jason Taylor at DDD Sydney 2018

The explosive growth of web frameworks and the demands of users have changed the approach to building web applications. Many challenges exist, and getting started can be a daunting prospect. Let’s change that now. This talk provides practical guidance and recommendations. We will cover architecture, technologies, tools, and frameworks. We will examine strategies for organizing…

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Full Stack Rx – Using Redux Patterns on the Server Side with .Net Core, and SignalR | Brendan Richards at DDD Sydney 2018

Imagine you had something really important to tell everyone but weren’t allowed to speak up until asked. That’s how all web servers and WebAPIs with their HTTP Request/Response cycle operate. SignalR, built on WebSockets, changes this client-server relationship from “speak only when spoken to” to a fully bi-directional communication. This is amazing, but can also…

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Modern testing for modern developers | Amanda Dean at DDD Sydney 2018

Just like development tries to move away from ineffective and inefficient approaches, testing has evolved since the days of heavyweight, formal test cases, and large test teams working in isolation. Testing is no longer the exclusive task of testers, but instead is becoming a whole team responsibility, perhaps with the assistance of a test coach.…

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When Serverless Meets Containers | Justin Yoo at DDD Sydney 2018

One of benefits using serverless architecture is “no need to worry about infrastructure management”. On the other hand, container technology is about “no need to worry about setting up infrastructure”. They are two different directions of evolving cloud services. Now, they get together and play together. Actually they get along each other quite seamlessly. At…

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Intro to Machine Learning | Damian Brady at DDD Sydney 2018

What exactly is machine learning? And more importantly, will I understand the answer without doing a Masters and a PhD? Sure! Join Damian, a fellow AI/ML-newbie, as he walks through what machine learning is, how it can be applied in your applications, and how you can actually create predictive models without accumulating a massive HELP…

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