Mastering ReSharper | Dev SuperPowers Episode 18

Mastering ReSharper | Dev SuperPowers Episode #18 | Danijel Malik

Being a great professional requires from you to write high quality code and being fast at the same time. Unless you have a great toolset this certainly isn’t an easy task. Luckily the market is full of extensions for Visual Studio which can boost your productivity. One of those tools is ReSharper. In this session…

Online Payments and Plans using Stripe | Dev SuperPowers Episode 17

Online Payments and Plans using Stripe | Dev SuperPowers Episode #17 | Ben Cull

Whether you’re developing a product that needs to charge your customers, or you’re just curious about online payments, learning to take money online can open up a world of opportunities. In this episode Ben Cull introduces you to the payments company Stripe, shows you how to take a one-off payment, and demonstrates how to set…

Introduction to Windows Server Containers for the .NET Developer | Dev Superpowers Episode 16

Introduction to Windows Server Containers for the .NET Developer | Dev Superpowers Episode #16 | Jeremy Cade

Join Jeremy as he walks you through the steps required to containerize, provision and deploy a ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core (vNext) application on the upcoming Windows Server 2016 platform. Take the Poll! Do have any plans to use Windows Server Containers for your future deployments?

ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6, Where’s my cheese? | Dev Superpowers Episode 15

ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6, Where’s my cheese? | Dev Superpowers Episode #15 | Ben Cull

The introduction of ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6 has brought with it a range of technologies that are brand new to the .NET world. In this episode, Ben Cull fires up a brand new MVC 6 site and walks us through using all the new technologies, as well as implementing some familiar functionality that you…

How to build your own Visual Studio Extension | Dev Superpowers Episode 14

How to build your own Visual Studio Extension | Dev Superpowers Episode #14 | Danijel Malik

Visual Studio is an awesome development tool, but what really makes it great are the extensions you can find in the Visual Studio Gallery. You’ve at least heard about ReSharper, WebEssentials, JustCode and tools that can make your life a little bit simpler. Now what if you wanted to write something of your own, where…

Building an Onion Architecture with Entity Framework | Dev Superpowers Episode 13

Building an Onion Architecture with Entity Framework | Dev Superpowers Episode #13 | Brendan Richards

Within this presentation Brendan Richards will explore and demonstrate how features of Entity Framework can assist in the implementation of a domain-centric, persistence-ignorant Onion Architecture design pattern. This talk explores techniques in avoiding spaghetti code including Onion Architecture, the Repository Pattern, and Dependency Injection followed by how to effectively apply these principles to your persistence…

Jumping into Windows Internet of Things development by using the Universal Windows Platform | Dev Superpowers Episode 12

Jumping into Windows Internet of Things development by using the Universal Windows Platform | Dev Superpowers Episode #12 | Chris Briggs

This is a live coding session. You will see Chris Briggs deploy an app to the Raspberry Pi 2 using the Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

ASP.NET Identity using vNext | Dev Superpowers Episode 11

ASP.NET Identity using vNext | Dev Superpowers Episode #11 | Ben Cull

Previous versions of ASP.NET Membership have left a bad taste in many developers mouths, and some are now dangerously out of date. In this episode of Dev Superpowers, Ben Cull will take you through the latest, greatest and safest way to get your membership system up and running using ASP.NET Identity, OWIN and Dependency Injection.…

Xamarin.Forms & MVVM | Dev Superpowers Episode 10

Xamarin.Forms & MVVM | Dev Superpowers Episode #10 | David Burela

Book David Now In episode 10 of our Dev Superpowers series David Burela will show how you can combine the cross platform native UI capabilities of Xamarin.Forms with the clean structuring of MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel). You will learn the very basics of what MVVM is and be taken through how to implement it into…