What’s new for ALM in Visual Studio 2013 and Team Foundation Server 2013

What’s new for ALM in Visual Studio 2013 and Team Foundation Server 2013 – Adam Cogan

Book Adam Now The latest versions of Visual Studio and TFS bring some great new features for developers, Product Owners, testers, and even the crusty old stakeholders. More than ever, TFS integrates the whole ALM story to help you deliver your project on time and on budget. In this session, we’ll quickly recap the best…

Tips and Tricks to Contracts and Contract Disputes with Cameron Shaw

Software Development Contracts and Contract Disputes – Tips and Tricks with Cameron Shaw

At the beginning of a contract everything often goes swimmingly. The client loves you and you get paid on time, every time. Then, after a few issues or delays, the contract can go a little bit off the rails. There’s issues to do with deliverables, the client is a bit late in paying bills, and…

Great Intranets of the Modern Age with James Robertson

Great Intranets of the Modern Age with James Robertson

Intranets have been around for a long time now, but SharePoint has brought new functionality and capability into organisations that promises to transform these sites. But what direction should we be heading, and what makes a truly great intranet? This presentation, by the world’s leading intranet expert, will provide a practical and inspirational view of…

‘Looking Behind the Curtain of jQuery’ – DDD Brisbane: Jared Wyles

‘Looking Behind the Curtain of jQuery’ – DDD Brisbane: Jared Wyles

Jared Wyles takes a deep dive into the jQuery innards with you as his guests! Find out just how jQuery gets it’s “sizzle”! How that amazing plugin system actually works. The dark mysteries of the event system that we all love to use. After this tour you will know more about the DOM than you…

DDD Sydney 2012 – Mehdi Khalili: ‘Automated UI Testing Done Right’

DDD Sydney 2012 – Mehdi Khalili: ‘Automated UI Testing Done Right with Selenium’

Many teams try Automated UI Testing and many fail. Automated UI Testing is hard: the tests take a lot of time to write and tend to be brittle and hard to maintain. In this session, Mehdi Khalili will provide you with some practical advice on how to and how not to write your tests, introducing…

Getting Started Developing Apps for Windows 8 Phone and More with Nick Randolph

Getting Started Developing Apps for Windows Phone 8 and More with Nick Randolph

Want to develop your apps for mobile devices? You’ll need to install the right tools to get the job done. Visual Studio 2012 offers a powerful development environment to build great apps quickly. There are valuable 3rd party tools that you will need too. Once you have the tools and you’re sold on the opportunity…What’s…

PowerShell v3 with Jason Stangroome

PowerShell v3 with Jason Stangroome

Jason Stangroome presents a User Group on PowerShell v3. He discusses: Why developers should care about PowerShell What’s changed between version 2 and 3 C# inside PowerShell C# extending PowerShell C# hosting PowerShell

How We Celebrated 20 Years of the Sydney .NET User Group

How We Celebrated 20 Years of the Sydney .NET User Group

We have now been hosting the Sydney .NET User Group for 20 Years! This is what we did to celebrate… You can see the User Group live stream at

Intro to TypeScript with Chris Sells (VP of the Developer Tools Division at Telerik)

Intro to TypeScript with Chris Sells (VP of the Developer Tools Division at Telerik)

TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development, providing an typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. TypeScript offers classes, modules, and interfaces to help you build robust components. In this talk, Chris provides an introduction to the new world of TypeScript and will show how it applies to Windows 8.