Talk before emailing – are you gold or silver? | Adam Cogan & Andrew Harris | SSW Rules

In this interview, SSW’s Chief Architect Adam Cogan sits down with SSW’s Solution Architect Andrew Harris to discuss the importance and evolution of the “As per our conversation” SSW Rule in email communication. They discuss the importance of confirming conversations, the challenges some face in following it, and the value it brings to any business communication. Join the conversation and share your insights in the comments!

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The dangers of your strong suits

“When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

This saying is often used for developers who want to use their favourite technology to solve every coding issue, even when it’s not the best fit. But this saying is actually relevant to us all.

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Successful developers do more than just write code

It takes more to be a great coder than you might think! Check out this video from NDC Sydney featuring Adam Cogan, Michael Smedley and Matt Goldman on the importance of teamwork and good communication in software development. Learn about SSW’s new mobile app and how it connects us with the software development community.  

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