At the beginning of a contract everything often goes swimmingly. The client loves you and you get paid on time, every time. Then, after a few issues or delays, the contract can go a little bit off the rails.
There’s issues to do with deliverables, the client is a bit late in paying bills, and there’s arguments about bugs. You try and negotiate your way through, but after a while the relationship begins to break down and you find yourself owed a lot of money, with claims from the customer that you are delivering a half-built app. Where to from here? Finish the app and hope that you get paid in the end? March off to court? Or just let the whole thing slide and leave with a bitter taste in your mouth? Does working in Agile or Scrum deliver any benefits to software developers? Software Developers know about a Minimum Viable Product, what’s a Minimum Viable Contract?
If you have concerns about contracts and contract laws, or if you’re just curious about the legal side of software development and working with clients, watch this video as it might be the best free advice you’ll ever get from a solicitor!
This presentation is intended to provide commentary and general information and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Formal legal advice should be sought in particular transactions or on matters of interest arising from this presentation.
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About the speakers

The Enforcer
Cameron Shaw was admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 2011.
Cameron spent seven years in project management, sales and management in the software and finance industries before entering the legal profession.
He has recently run matters in the Supreme Court on mutual wills and family provision, charitable trusts and the Contracts Review Act.
Cameron is also a Director of a not-for-profit aged care provider.