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Adam Cogan is joined by Brian Harry of TFS fame. In this exclusive interview, they discuss:
- How Brian Harry manages his team and his lifestyle
- VSS vs TFS
- The success and scale of TFS
- TFS as a service
- Testing
- Screenshots for bug reporting in TFS 2011
- Customer interaction in bug reporting and how TFS will solve the various issues in the future
- Background on how storyboarding was introduced into PowerPoint and a usability study (vs Balsamic)
- The importance of connecting to customers
- Adam’s farming ability
Show Notes
- Check out SSW’s Rules to Better Unit Tests at
- How do you test? Tell us in the comments section below
- What are your thoughts on backwards compatibility? Leave a comment below
- You can learn more about scrum over on our main page at
- Like this video? Share it on facebook!
- Check out our video on storyboarding at
- VSS was built by Brian and his brother Craig in 1990. His company where he had built the software was sold to Microsoft in 1994. Microsoft updated VSS and it became the #1 source control system in the world by 1995 with 8 million users.
About the speakers

Brian Harry
Brian Harry is a Microsoft Technical Fellow working as the Product Unit Manager for Team Foundation Server - a server-based product designed to dramatically improve the productivity, predictability, and agility of software development teams by ensuring that all team members have easy access to the information they need to make the right decisions at the right time.
Outside of work, Harry's primary passions are family, wood working and farming. Harry has a substantial wood working shop and builds all sorts of wooden objects with a strong emphasis on the lathe. Harry is also very active with his children, serving as a leader in his sons' Cub Scout troop.