The explosive growth of web frameworks and the demands of users have changed the approach to building enterprise applications. Many challenges exist and just getting started can be a daunting prospect. Let’s change that now.

0:00 | Intro
0:46 | Clean Architecture in 5 Minutes
1:28 | Installing .NET Core Project Template
3:38 | Web UI Project Homepage Launch
4:10 | Starting .sln Project
5:30 | Conclusion

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Jason Taylor –…
SSW Solution Architect

Jason Taylor is a solution architect, trainer, mentor, and full stack developer with over 20 years of experience. Currently, he specializes in developing, testing, and deploying custom applications to the cloud utilizing .NET, Angular, Blazor, and Azure. Jason loves a challenge and is skilled at progressing from a simple proposal into a well-defined, coded, and tested solution.

Piers Sinclair –…
SSW Solution Architect

Piers is a Solution Architect with more than 7 years experiences in databases and software development. He is especially proficient in Scrum, .Net, Azure, SQL, DevOps and GitHub. He has been involved in many industries including Retail, Logistics and Job Management. When it comes to developing software, Piers has a passion for efficient development processes, designing quality solutions and building robust software architecture.

He is very interested in understanding the way systems work and coming up with innovative solutions to complex problems. He speaks Chinese and has a keen interest in China. In particular, he is passionate about the successful management of Chinese IT teams and is one part of the bridge that connects SSW Australia and SSW China.


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Created by SSW TV | Videos for developers, by developers

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About the speakers

About the speakers

Jason Taylor

Jason Taylor is a solution architect, trainer, mentor, and full stack developer with over 20 years of experience. Currently, he specializes in developing, testing, and deploying custom applications to the cloud utilizing .NET, Angular, Blazor, and Azure. Jason loves a challenge and is skilled at progressing from a simple proposal into a well-defined, coded, and tested solution.

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