In this video, SSW’s Chris Briggs gives us a quick-fire lesson on how to better build our Xamarin apps.
He shows:
- How we can handle frustrating transient exceptions effortless with Polly
- How to simplify persisting data across platforms with Akavache
- How to avoid pulling out your hair when debugging asynchronous errors using Fody.AsyncErrorHandler
This presentation was part of the Sydney Xamarin Hack Day line-up. Head over to the Xamarin Hack Day website to apply to attend (or even run your own hack day!)
Let us know how you feel, take the poll!
About the speakers

Mr IoT
Chris is a Senior Software Developer at SSW, passionate about IoT, Scrum, Security, Windows Universal Apps and Xamarin. All the Devs at SSW have been asking Chris, what he thinks the Internet of Things will mean for their day to day lives? It ranges from the impossible to the improbable, from automating their coffee breaks, to telling them exactly when the next bus will arrive!