SSW TV brings you all the best content from the DDD 2016 event in Sydney.
Web Components is an in progress standard, by which you can teach good old HTML new tricks. Four different building blocks define Web Components, HTML Templates, Custom Elements, HTML Imports and Shadow DOM. Just like any other web standard different browsers implement the standard in different point of time, hence we polyfill to bridge today to the future.
Since web components is future of web, different modern web framework/libraries take web components into consideration and provide some level of support for web components. This session will review the current state of Web Components standards, different browser’s support and also current polyfill for web components.
We will also review today’s big modern web frameworks like Angular 2, React, EmberJS and Polymer to see how much support they provide for web components standard.
We hope you enjoy this content. You can watch more of DDD on SSW TV.
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About the speakers
Mr Web Components
Ahmad is senior consultant at Readify. He has more than 16 years of experience working on different development stacks.
Ahmed has developed a wide range of software including banking and financial systems. His passion is about ALM, Agile and Scrum and he mostly spends his time coaching teams to become more effective at delivering value